If you have a legal question, or wish to have us call you to discuss your case, please fill out the form below. We will respond to your inquiry within 48 business hours. We thank you for your interest.
  • Our StreetBarnard Avenue 14 Kempston, Bedford, MK427-DE
  • Call us!+447448692822
  • Mail addressinfo@solicitconsult.com
98% winning guarantee
We believe in hands-on case management. 10,000 cases have been handled between the attorneys of the firm.
Our Personal Touch
Our lawyers will take the time to listen to every detail with you personally or over the phone to gather data for your case.
Investment Trade
Forming a new business is an exciting time for any entrepreneur. Let's help you get it right legally with your first leap.
about us

Who we are: Solicit Consults

An international reach with a local touch. Solicit Consults is the international firm serving the clients in their home countries and beyond. Collectively, we have a long history of providing the right expertise to meet changing requirements of our clientele for modern and effective legal services. Whether a business matter or personal matter, our firm addresses your legal needs with a wide range of professional services. We volunteer our time and resources to numerous endeavors including the arts, health and human service groups, community foundations, economic development organizations, nature conservancies, and chambers of commerce. We believe this service enriches each of us individually as well as helping the communities in which we live and work. We are your neighbors, friends and professional colleagues. As your law firm, we stand ready to be your legal advocates as well.

Call to ask any question +447448692822
Gosh O. Stanley
(Chairman and founder)

26 years of experience


We are here to fight against any
violance with experience

Family law

There are lots of decisions to be made when faced with a divorce or legal separation.

Real Estate Law

Whether you are a business owner setting up a new shop, or a first-time homebuyer looking your dreams house.

Tax Law

No business should have to carry an unnecessary tax burden when it can be avoided through accurate planning.

Intellectual Property Law

We can also assist you in forming commercial relationships with intellectual property parties.

Business Law

Whether you are starting your first business and need help managing the paperwork and financing.

International law

We have one of the largest dedicated international disputes resolution teams in the world.
Fun fact

We feel very proud for our
great achievement

When you hire us to help you with your legal matters, you can expect direct communication and personalized strategies

that can increase your chances of achieving a successful outcome.

Completed works
Satisfied clients
Winning awards
Team members
Our Team

We feel very proud for our
great achievement

In order to provide our clients with the highest quality service, we have to hire talented and motivated employees.

Jonson Wilson

Civil Lawyer
Contact info

Malina Leo

Contract Lawyer
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Franklin Leonard

Business Lawyer
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George Ritz

Criminal Lawyer
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Jeffery Lodato

Tax Lawyer
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Maxilene Sutherlan

Real Estate Lawyer
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Mark Phelps

Civil Lawyer
Law Office (Ghana Division)

Gosh O. Stanley

Senior Lawyer
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Check our portfolio which is built
with our experience

Contact us

Feel free to ask somthing
we are here

  • Barnard Avenue 14, A Building, Kempston, Bedford, MK427-DE, United Kingdom
  • +447448692822
  • info@solicitconsult.com
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